Idealism, vision and action are the characteristics that young people bring into every community.
Those qualities help everyone strive and improve. Giving young people the chance to refine their capabilities, find a voice and work in diverse teams means they leave with greater purpose and practical ways to contribute in school, at home, and in the local community.
Core Values
- Respect as a standard of human interaction
- Community responsibility
- Creating safety and security for all
- Promoting service and a concern for others
- Building life-long, diverse friendships
- Taking courageous action
Leadership Philosophy
GYV’s view of leadership is unique. We believe there is no set formula for being a great leader. Rather, we take a “Values-based” approach to leadership development. We believe there are core human values, or “Universal Values” which all people, across cultural, religious, and ethnic barriers, hold true. We believe that by creating an environment based on these values, students will discover their true leadership potential. Our program allows youth to identify the values that are most important to them and use those as the building blocks of their unique leadership style.

GYV Participants return home with:
- Self-confidence, maturity, a positive outlook on life, and renewed hope for the future
- Commitment to active participation in their communities
- Understanding of global issues, and their interconnectedness
- Ability to respect people and move beyond stereotypes limited by ethnic, national, racial or cultural prejudices and biases
- Goal setting, carrying out sustainable and achievable community projects
- The know-how to promote understanding among people and find win-win solutions in any situation