GYV for College Prep

Acceptance standards at colleges and universities are getting higher and higher and teens and parents are seeking creative ways to seek ways to stand out from the crowd.

“…getting into the “right” college has never been more competitive” ~ Boston Globe 

The Global Youth Village experience gives college bound teens the opportunities to gain the skills and experiences they need not only to stand out, but to also be successful in the college or university of their choice.


What does GYV offer that university-based programs do not?

  • Cooperative living: cabins builds stronger bonds than dorm life
  • Academics are great, but developing people skills really prepares your child to take their place in the world
  • Project management prepares your child to take leadership in college courses
  • Group challenges emphasize social responsibility, independent thinking, and flexibility 

At GYV your child can:

  • Have no pressure meetings with college recruiters
  • Find out what are colleges looking for in an applicant
  • Explore new foods, healthy eating habits and stress management
  • Gain tools to maintain personal balance, communicate with roommates
  • Acquire Organization/Time Management/Scheduling Skills